Log in. Click. Click. Done.

That’s how easy it is to manage everything about your account – using My Account.

Already a Wallace Energy My Account customer? You’re going to love the new features that let you do so much more, faster and easier than ever before. You’ll receive an email soon with details on how to create your new password. Not a My Account customer yet?
Then, now is the perfect time to enroll >

Check out what’s new and all you can do at the touch of a button in My Account:

  • Schedule service and tune-ups
  • Manage accounts and schedule heating oil and propane deliveries
  • Review your service, tune-up and fuel delivery history
  • Make a payment and check account activity
  • Get pricing and SmartPay plan information
  • Quickly get answers to most frequently asked questions

If you haven’t enrolled in My Account, do it today!
Enroll in My Account

Need help? Our team is still always here for you, around-the-clock.
Just give us a call at 866.539.2382

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